ISO 2909 - Viscosity Index
We perform fuel and lubricants testing by ISO 2909 to calculate a product's viscosity index from that product's kinematic viscosities at 40°C and 100°C.
We also perform viscosity testing by ASTM D1092, ASTM D2161, ASTM D2270, ASTM D2422, ASTM D2532, ASTM D2983, ASTM D341, ASTM D445, IP 226, IP 71, and ISO 3104. These different test methods use different instruments or procedures or are used for certain sample types. Click on the test method number to learn more about each test.
Contact us today to receive a quote for your testing.
ISO 2909 corresponds to ASTM D2270 and IP 226.
You can learn more about this test standard, or purchase a copy, by going to the website for ISO - the International Organization for Standardization.